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Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Peoples Choice JBlog Awards

Nominations for The Peoples Choice JBlog Awards are now open.

The categories include

Best Overall Blog
Best Pro-Israel Advocacy Blog
Best Jewish Religion Blog
Best Jewish Humor Blog
Best Slice of Life in Israel
Best "New" Blog
Best Jewish Current Events/News Blog
Best Personal Blog
Best Jewish Culture Blog
Best Designed Blog
Best Group Blog
Best Podcast/Vlog
Best Kosher Blog
Best Live Event Coverage
Best Post and Series
Best Student Life Blog
Best Recommended Blog

Check it out and let the nominations begin! : )

Comments on "The Peoples Choice JBlog Awards"


Blogger Jack Steiner said ... (7:50 AM) : 

These JIBs have some serious issues. The small start up that is running them is engaging in very questionable practices.

A couple of examples of problems.

1) The site administrator is providing his own nominations. Normally you would see the admin of a contest take a position of neutrality.

2) The site administrator is trying to limit the blogs that can be nominated by saying that only blogs that are listed within his small site are eligible.

There are other problems here. But the bottom line is that it is clear that the goal of the admin is to use this contest for the benefit of his small site and not for the overall benefit of the jblogosphere.


Blogger Irina Tsukerman said ... (6:56 AM) : 

Jack's Shack: Hmm, well I don't know the site owner well enough to have any opinion about his motives... I guess it would have been better if it was open to everybody; otherwise it comes out skewed. But another problem is that it's not advertised enough, so only some people get nominated, while others don't even find out about it. Maybe next year, it's a better idea to host in on this blog, since it's a neutral blog, and everyone who's involved has his own separate blog, and thus, no vested interest. But what other questionable practices do you mean?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:39 PM) : 

The JIBS are a huge problem, and it only brings out the worst in the blogosphere. The big blogs will win, as they alsways do, and it just turns into a numbers game.

Worse this year is that the host is a content stealing website that claims to be promoting JBlogs, but actuallty hijacks your content and makes your actual blog/site useless and visitless.

Like Jack said, it's also ridiclulopus that you have to register and be a part of thier system to discuss the jibs, vote in the jibs, or even nominate for the jibs.

The only site being promoted in this sham is Israel Forum.

It's better not to have any jibs then to have a corrupt one.

Plus there are huge issues with the way the rate certain things and some funny business with which blogs are promoted there.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:40 PM) : 

Ezzie/Jameel, can we please remove the link to Israel Forum on this post ...


Blogger Jameel @ The Muqata said ... (3:46 PM) : 

I think we should host it here!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:05 PM) : 

Since the JIB awards were established, we have witnessed a disturbing phenomenon that happens when the award process is in progress.

Every year, as soon as someone steps up to the plate and volunteers to acknowledge the hard work of Jbloggers by giving out awards, 2 or 3 bloggers immediately attempt to diminish the value of the awards received by their fellow bloggers.

Each year, 2 or 3 bloggers post numerous blog posts and extensive comments about why the JIB Awards are invalid. The purpose of those posts is not to explore the issues in good faith, but to use their friendship with other JBloggers to diminish the value of the awards.

Each year, 2 or 3 bloggers accuse the person managing the awards of being unethical, unfair and in general, not running the awards as these 2 or 3 bloggers demand. Similar accusations were leveled at the original founder of the JIBs, and similar accusations were made against the current manager of the JIBs.

Each year, 2 or 3 bloggers seem to suffer from a complete loss of perspective that the awards are just a community-based sign of appreciation, not an invitation to engage in shameful online behavior that they would probably never dream of engaging in, if it were in person.

Since this involves the community of bloggers who write about topics of Jewish interest, it is important to keep in mind that the actions of those 2 or 3 bloggers not only harm the Jewish community and their fellow bloggers, but their malicious actions amount to deliberate, pure Lashon HaRa, which is Halachically prohibited. Unfortunately, it also reflects on those other bloggers upon whose Websites the Lashon HaRa is being made public. By hosting the malicious comments of those 2 or 3 bloggers, other blog owners become a party to spreading the Lashon HaRa, as well.

There are also a host of other Halachic problems with the behavior of those bloggers, and I would urge anyone who cares about Jewish values and Yiddishkeit to draw their own conclusions about what this year’s 2 or 3 malicious bloggers are doing. (Hameivin Yavin).

It’s one thing to discuss the JIBs in good faith, but it’s quite another to involve others in a deliberate smear campaign that is, after all, just about a simple award being given to Jbloggers who have worked very hard this year to produce outstanding blogs.


Blogger Jack Steiner said ... (1:03 AM) : 

I guess it would have been better if it was open to everybody; otherwise it comes out skewed. In the past it was always open. This is the first year that it is not.

Since the JIB awards were established, we have witnessed a disturbing phenomenon that happens when the award process is in progress.

Year three. Let's have some perspective

Each year, 2 or 3 bloggers accuse the person managing the awards of being unethical, unfair and in general, not running the awards as these 2 or 3 bloggers demand. Similar accusations were leveled at the original founder of the JIBs, and similar accusations were made against the current manager of the JIBs.

If you want to speak in generalities then this is what you get. The JIBs have been around for three years. There is nothing unusual or unreasonable in offering criticism. It is about checks and balances. Something of merit should be able to withstand some constructive criticism.

The current claims are valid. It is highly unusual for the administrator of an awards program to engage in nominating blogs. It destroys any perception of neutrality. The rule changes are unreasonable. You mention community appreciation but fail to understand how restricting the blogs that are eligible for awards is detrimental towards the community.

The rules and process should be transparent. They are not.

Since this involves the community of bloggers who write about topics of Jewish interest, it is important to keep in mind that the actions of those 2 or 3 bloggers not only harm the Jewish community and their fellow bloggers, but their malicious actions amount to deliberate, pure Lashon HaRa, which is Halachically prohibited.

If it were only two or three bloggers it would be one thing. The reality is that it is not just two or three bloggers. It is more than ten times that. And the reality is that we can debate in endless circles about whether it is lashon hara or pikuach nefesh or simple narishkeit.

You want community appreciation contribute to haveil havalim. More than 100 editions have been run in which any and all are invited not just a select few.

The fact that there has been such a harsh response to the criticism proves that there is merit to the claim. This years JIBs are a complete sham.


Blogger Irina Tsukerman said ... (2:36 AM) : 

OK, we have several interesting comments.

Chaim: I'll ask Ezzie, Jameel, and Sarah whether they feel the link should be removed, and if they feel it should, I'll do it.

Let's separate the issues a little here. The "big blogs" are often the most popular blogs for a reason. That alone doesn't make the entire JIBs invalid. However, I agree that it does create problems of recognition for newer blogs, or blogs that haven't had as much success in outreach, but are good nevertheless. That's why, I think, next time it's a good idea to create more categories specifically for newer/smaller blogs, just like the Ecosystem/Weblog Awards model.

Re: Israel Forum. There's merit to what you're saying; however, I'm not sure that what's being done is being done specifically in bad faith. For now, I'm abstaining from any further action on that site, but I don't want to take any drastic action, which might harm innocent parties in any way.

Jameel: That's exactly what I was thinking. In fact, after this discussion, I think I'll write out some of my thoughts outlining the way I think it should be done this year. We can certainly learn from past mistakes.

David: Whoever is trying to undermine JIBs in bad faith (and there are certainly such individuals) should simply be ignored. However, there's always room for legitimate criticism; otherwise we won't grow as a community and will never improve.

Jack's Shack: I see what you're saying. If we wind up hosting it on Jblogosphere next year (as Jameel suggested), we'll certainly try to keep it as open as possible.


Blogger Irina Tsukerman said ... (2:38 AM) : 

Everybody: My personal opinion on the whole thing is that anyone who has criticsm towards the way JIBs is being hosted should certainly voice those thoughts openly. However, I think that readers of this blog should be free to make up their minds by going to the Forum. But that's just me. Ezzie? Jameel? Sarah?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:52 AM) : 

Of course many of us have opinions about how to run the awards differently. I guess that if you put 2 yiddin on an island and ask them how to run the JIB awards, you’ll get 3 opinions.

And there are legitimate ways of voicing one's opinions. For example, there are 2 discussion areas dedicated specifically to award categories, nominations, and anything else concerning the awards. And despite Chaim and Jack’s complaints about having to register to post, we received more then 100 comments on those topics and more than 220 comments on the nominations themselves. So, Irina, it’s difficult to say that anyone with suggestions was not able to voice them.

But what goes on every year with the JIBs is crazy. I, for one, am tired of people like Jack and Chaim going way overboard. It’s like a meshugana hatred for no reason. What do they stand to gain? What is their goal? To yell at whoever runs the JIBs, and scream that they are very, very angry because the JIB managers have not met Jack and Chaim’s personal level of conduct?

Sorry to state the obvious to some of the people here, but even if he’s your online friend, you have the obligation to say enough’s enough, Jack. Please don’t involve me in your annual vendetta against the JIBs. Every time you don’t get an award or are not in consideration for an award, you start the same old shtick that really doesn’t benefit anyone.

In the past, it was israellycool who was falsely accused, and this year it’s the manager of JBlog Central. Same story, same words, like “corrupt, sham, rigging, not valid, unethical,” and so on. Every year you can count on Jack and some others like Chaim to say “This year it’s the worst sham ever.” Then, the following year: “Well, this year is the worst sham ever.”

All that has that resulted is Lashon HaRa and Sinas Chinum on a scale that is rarely seen – all courtesy of people like Jack -- and it is now spilling over from Jack’s blog into private email and other people’s blogs.

As for the nominations, I think that all the nominees deserve their nominations and their awards. I don’t care who nominated them -- what’s important is that they feel good about their blogs and get the recognition they deserve for all their hard work and dedication.

Let’s try to make this year’s award the best yet. Don’t make people feel bad about their awards.

You owe the folks at JBlog and the rest of the nominees a big apology, Jack and Chaim.


Blogger Jack Steiner said ... (5:53 AM) : 

And there are legitimate ways of voicing one's opinions. For example, there are 2 discussion areas dedicated specifically to award categories, nominations, and anything else concerning the awards. And despite Chaim and Jack’s complaints about having to register to post, we received more then 100 comments on those topics and more than 220 comments on the nominations themselves. So, Irina, it’s difficult to say that anyone with suggestions was not able to voice them

Actually it is quite easy to counter this. Voices of dissent are being silenced. Some of us are unable to get to the forum because our IP addresses have been blocked. You place stumbling blocks before the blind and claim to be wounded. Boohoo. Your claim that there are a couple hundred comments is a smokescreen. I am not the only one whose IP was blocked. What are you afraid of.

In the past, it was israellycool who was falsely accused, and this year it’s the manager of JBlog Central. Same story, same words, like “corrupt, sham, rigging, not valid, unethical,” and so on. Every year you can count on Jack and some others like Chaim to say “This year it’s the worst sham ever.” Then, the following year: “Well, this year is the worst sham ever.”

As I said earlier, if there is merit then the awards stand just fine. Aussie Dave did just fine. And if you really want to poke at me let's play. How about reading my post Kudos for The Jibs where I say
Second, I want to commend Aussie Dave for bringing these about.

But this isn't about me.

This is about the shanda that is being committed.

As for the nominations, I think that all the nominees deserve their nominations and their awards. I don’t care who nominated them

So you don't care about chicanery. You don't have a problem with a flawed system that is run contrary to common sense because common sense says that the admin of an award doesn't involve themselves in nominations. It is just a feel good thing. Fine. Commend people on their hard work.

But let's make it meaningful.


Blogger Jack Steiner said ... (5:55 AM) : 

Everybody: My personal opinion on the whole thing is that anyone who has criticsm towards the way JIBs is being hosted should certainly voice those thoughts openly. However, I think that readers of this blog should be free to make up their minds by going to the Forum. But that's just me. Ezzie? Jameel? Sarah?


I have no problem with that. People should make up their own minds. I just don't understand why there is an attempt to silence the critics. The insecurity behind this attempt to shush people is really quite sad.


Blogger Irina Tsukerman said ... (6:11 PM) : 

David: You speak about Lashon Hara, but (perhaps unwittingly), you yourself haven't been too kind to your opponents in the latest comments. If IP addresses are being blocked, there's a genuine problem.

Jack: I completely agree with you; critics absolutely should be allowed to speak out freely. If they are being silenced for reasons other than simple technical difficulties, writing about the whole thing on blogs is definitely the right thing to do.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:30 PM) : 

Yes, Jack has earned the distinction of being the only person in the history of JBlog Central to have his IP banned for malicious activity both in JBlog Central and on Wikipedia. Activity from his IP address was originally flagged by automatic software that we developed due to feedback from Jbloggers, some of whom you’re probably very familiar with.

Jack, I am willing to unblock your IP address with the understanding that all malicious activity needs to stop immediately both on JBlog Central and Wikipedia. You will be eligible for an award like all other registered blogs and will have access to all services our members and visitors enjoy.

Is this something you can commit to?

If so, your blogs are already in our system. One of them has a considerable amount of community votes received over the past few months and seems to be generally competitive for an award, especially if you call for a “Rate Jack’s Posts Day.” :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:11 PM) : 

David, you make me laugh. 2 or 3 bloggers? I got news for you .. check your inbox, more are on thier way ...

You have so grossly mischaracterized me you can't even imagine. I have been a HUGE supporter of the Jibs and I think both Dave and the Jerusalem Post did an amazing job.

I don't think I wrote one negative post in both years they were running. Heck, if it wasn't for the Jibs I wouldnt even be blogging, thats how I found half the blogs I started reading and eventually decided to blog myself.

I am so far from malicious. Have I gone public with this boycott yet? No. I havent written one public post yet. I have emailed friends, but I havent blogged once about this. I was trying to keep this civil. I was trying to be a mentch, even if you arent one.

You want to play games? Go to pre-school. I want to blog and I don't want my content stolen under the self riotous guise of "trying to help spread the word about Jblogs"

Do me a favor, go away. Don't hide behind BS Loshan Hora. you outed me in this thread, you are trying to make me out to me some angry monster. Thats Loshan Hora. I'm the one who tried to keep this quiet and not publicly drag you down.

not to mention that you have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME THAT YOU EVEN USED THE LOSHAN HORA DEFENSE. I can think of 30 blogs that your content stealing website is linking to that go way beyond Loshan Hora and I dont see you moderating those posts or those blogs.

If you want to help promote Jewish blogs then do want Jrants does or do what Jblogopshere.net does. We don't need your help, for real.

Irina, you can leave the link up if you want, bloggers have already spoken and will continue to speak. The Jibs this year are a sham because of THIS YEARS host, not because of the Jibs.

Every year they could stand to be tweaked and get better and next year we will all take it over and create a fair and smart Jibs.

By the bloggers, for the bloggers.

One last thing to David.

All you had to do was be a mentch and address my original suggestions, open them up to a public forum, maybe just admit that some of us have a point. Instead you chose to knock me, attack me and emotionally defend yourself like you are in grade school.

You are not fit to be the host and thats sad.


Blogger Jack Steiner said ... (1:31 AM) : 

Yes, Jack has earned the distinction of being the only person in the history of JBlog Central to have his IP banned for malicious activity both in JBlog Central and on Wikipedia. Activity from his IP address was originally flagged by automatic software that we developed due to feedback from Jbloggers, some of whom you’re probably very familiar with.

Malicious activity? I haven't the foggiest idea what you are speaking about. Non-specific comments are not helpful. If by malicious you mean that I have spoken out against improper practices, well that is your problem. As I said before if the awards cannot withstand criticism it is indicative of issues with them.

Jack, I am willing to unblock your IP address with the understanding that all malicious activity needs to stop immediately both on JBlog Central and Wikipedia. You will be eligible for an award like all other registered blogs and will have access to all services our members and visitors enjoy.

Since I am unclear as to what you are referring to I cannot say yes or no. How about some details.

If so, your blogs are already in our system. One of them has a considerable amount of community votes received over the past few months and seems to be generally competitive for an award, especially if you call for a “Rate Jack’s Posts Day.” :)

I have 5 blogs in your system right now that are currently receiving votes and have been for some time. It is inconsequential to me whether all of my blogs are part of it or not. I don't want a fake award. I don't need the validation. I don't blog to win, I blog because I enjoy it.

A couple of quick comments. The reality is that though you may have blocked one IP address I can be back on your site any time I choose to be. That is the joy of having a dynamic IP as well as the pleasure of access to multiple computers. I haven't made an issue of it because it is not important. For that matter you have never seen a comment from me on any of the JBlog stuff, nominations or otherwise.

In the end what does any of this matter. There are far more serious issues in the world. Maybe you will see me there, maybe you won't. I sure as heck won't lose any sleep over this.

Chaim, I'll see you later.


Blogger Irina Tsukerman said ... (7:16 AM) : 

OK, obviously we have problems. I've got some ideas on how to improve things in the future, and hopefully will be blogging about them tomorrow.


Blogger Jack Steiner said ... (9:20 PM) : 

And now with the name change we see the true colors being revealed.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:01 PM) : 

not to mention outright misleading. He has this side by side comparison to the Jibs that is just outright wrong.

He claims int he past you could only vote for "dozens" of blogs.

Last year there was 17 categories and each one contained at least ten blogs. The low estimate would be 170 blogs to choose from.

Then there is this remarkable statement

Israel Forum Awards
Thousands of voters cast their votes

Past Jibs
Dozens of voters cast their votes

WHAT??? Only Dozens voted?

Then last but not least the claim that somehow because people only vote DURING THE CONTEST PROCESS it's less valid.

As if the Oscar and Grammy voters vote all year round? Every award competition has votes cast during the award season.


Blogger Jack Steiner said ... (9:06 AM) : 

Sour grapes. It is how he makes himself feel better. If he didn't denigrate the JIBs...


Blogger Surfer said ... (8:33 PM) : 

please check my israel blogs

btw I can't register in your forum



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Anonymous PTS No 1 said ... (1:53 PM) : 

Which category is specifically for blogs advocating pro-Israel views? Telkom University


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