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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

On A Quest To Expand

In my earlier post about expanding Haveil Havalim, I suggested sending links from Jewish blogs in other languages to broaden our outreach efforts. Browsing through the Russian JBlogosphere (mostly Live Journal), I discovered a wealth of thought-provoking and well-written articles dealing with Israel, Jewish issues, and advocacy. The level of discussion in those blogs is incredible, probably because LJ format facilitates responses, as opposed to simply leaving comments to the post. So you see real dialogue going on in the section, dialogue with people of all points of views. Unfortunately, most of the above-mentioned bloggers appear to have no contact with the Jblogosphere that we know.

I, think, however that we can fix that!

1) As an experiment, I sent a link to one advocacy article to Soccer Dad to use in HH this up-coming Sunday. I think we have at least a few Russian-speaking bloggers, who'll be able to understand it.

2) I think it's worth trying to include a whole separate category for Jblogs in other languages into that edition (or any other one)...

3) As for me, I'll try to reach out to Russian Jbloggers and encourage them to join our community and send their post to HH, as well as reading English-language J-blogs. I think both communities only stand to gain from such a venture.

4) However, I'm a relative newcomer to the Russian J-blogosphere. As in, I'm only starting to read Russian Jblogs, and haven't really commented that much. So I would appreciate if any of my readers, who are Russian-speaking and know other members of R-Jblogosphere would help spread the world.

I really think that diversifying our community will elevate the exchange of ideas and teach us all something new... And as always, am looking forward to your feedback!

Comments on "On A Quest To Expand"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:35 AM) : 

We'll be happy to add them to our aggregator.


Blogger Irina Tsukerman said ... (3:56 AM) : 

Thanks... I think in a few days (possibly even tomorrow ), I'll have a nice sample list.


Blogger Sarah Likes Green said ... (9:02 AM) : 

good idea.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:17 AM) : 

I use to send one link to the HH, per week. I'll comment the other bloggers (hahah we are only 5 or 6 maybe some more that I don't know) to send some links.


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